Monday, February 7, 2011

The Princess & The Hospital

The Princess & The Hospital

a story about Brooklyn's case of pneumonia

written by Queen Crystal


Once upon a time,

in a kingdom far away

A princess named Miss Brooklyn

did not wanna eat or play

Mom put Brook in pajamas

and warm socks upon her toes

'Cause Brooklyn had a fever,

a cough and runny nose

Brook said

she had an OWIE

In her tummy,

ears & neck

So Daddy gave her medicine

(the kind that you'd expect)

Daddy found a washcloth

"Feel Good Bunny"

was its name

But no matter what

they did for her

Miss Brooklyn felt the same

"Cough- cough"

she coughed so softly

"Drink - peease!"

she said so sweet


She asked to be held

'Cause she hated

to stand on her feet

All night Brook tried to sleep

But all she did was cry

Mom and Daddy were so worried

Not knowing what else to try

Her body was so achy

It hurt for Brook to breathe

That's when Mom & Daddy knew

That it was time to leave


to see the Doctor

As Brook just

squirmed and cried

They hated to see

their girl in pain

Momma's tears

were hard to hide

The doctor too was worried

So he called an ambulance fast

Mom & Daddy felt much better

The Princess had help at last

With medicine in her arm, Breathing oxygen through a tube

Miss Brooklyn was so scared But it was the best thing to do

Brook snuggled with Dad at night time

Mom & Branden

came during the day

Brook said

"I Wanna


But the Doc said she had to stay

Breathing treatments

and antibiotics- Lots of fluids, TV & sleep

Nurses gave her toys & stickers

Most of which Brook

got to keep

Once better they unhooked the cables

"Let's just see" is what they said

"Zoom-zoom", took off like a race-car

She was so happy to get outta bed

4 days, 3 nights with her Daddy

Miss Brooklyn felt so much better

Full of life & lots of energy

Missing Victoria

but so glad she met her

Home now,

she's happy-go-lucky

With her momma,

daddy & brothers

But hates to

sleep alone now-

No matter the dolls,

night lights or covers

Thank you God for all your angels

Dr Michael, great nurses and such

We're so thankful to have our dear Princess

Our Prayers were Answered, We love you so much!

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