Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Jim is GREAT!

I just had to clarify a few things…

My Jim is great. I really don’t mean to complain about him- I guess you can say that the only reason why I do it is to ‘vent’, but that’s only ‘cause we (women) need to let off some steam once in awhile and I don’t want to blow off my steam to my oh-so-wonderful husband. And who else do I have that I can talk to? YOU! J

The truth is. I love him- I do. Yes, I wish we were a little bit more lovey dovey & more respectful of each other, but all in all- we are a pretty amazing pair. You see…

My husband takes care of me and his kids. He’s our protector and provider. He loves me, he loves his family and in everything he does he thinks of us first. In return I take care of my husband, I love him and I take care of our home (to the best that I can) and our children. In everything I do -I think of him and the children first.

Sometimes I think we both forget that it takes a lot of commitment and sacrifice to raise a family like ours. (4 kids ranging in different ages, blended but simple) There are days that I am at my wits ends and I wish I had more time, energy, help and LOVE! But on the whole, I muster up my will power to be the best wife and mother I can be.

I am not surprised by the hours it takes to wake up, dress the kids, go to work, come home, feed, play, bathe, clean and yes, sometimes I cook too. What I am surprised by is that my hubby’s there to help me with every bit of it. Plus, I am so grateful and surprised that he doesn’t get overwhelmed too often. I am also in awe that in this day and age I have a man who loves and protects his family so selflessly and joyfully.

He is a husband and dad that arrives home from work ready to ‘get the night started’. Some days he has a relaxing break from the work day, for at least a little while, but some days there is no such thing. When the kids and I walk in the door- most days, we’re laughing and he gets to see a pretty wife with happy kids. But other days, he witnesses crying fits and it’s a frazzled who wife greets him. In both scenarios, he jumps right in to whatever the evening has in store like he’s hard wired to do so. He is a dad that: changes diapers, wipes noses, takes the trash out, does the yard work, mops & vacuums floors, reads stories, budgets the bills and cleans up the kitchen too! He is even a dad that helps cook dinner on a regular basis. (And he’s a darn good cook I might add.)

So- just to put him in the light of a more ‘loving’ vibe… my husband is a wonderful father and helps me tremendously on a daily basis. I know how easy it can be get carried away when we start complaining about our loved ones, so I just wanted to balance it out with the silver lining of our marriage.

Thanks for reading. See you around soon, I’m sure.

Monday, March 28, 2011

We lost her!

Jim went to wake Brooklyn up this morning (our usual weekday routine) and she was MISSING! - * - * - * - WTF?
Where could she have gone? He checked downstairs, her brother's room, the closet... she was no where to be found. I rushed out of my shower and went searching with Jim (while in my towel... that's how worried I was) and as soon as we went back into her room and called out her name, we could hear a wimper. It was Brooklyn! Phew... she had fallen asleep UNDER her bed. And not just any bed, she was under her 'low-to-the-floor' toddler bed! Poor thing... I tried asking her why she was under there, she didn't know why. Thank goodness she was SOMEWHERE tho! :o)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shopping Divas

Brooklyn is not the only one who loves to go grocery shopping...mommy does too!
I don't know what it is, I just LOVE walking up and down the aisle- comparing prices and planning ahead. I've gotten really good at making a budget and sticking to it. Plus the discounts help. ;o)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Poet for Hire!

Some might say I have a knack with words

You might say that 'writing is for the birds'.

So that is why I'm here for you...

Just call on me if you need a word or two.

For a special event, service or present

Be totally wealthy or even a peasant.

'cause my charges are fair at less than thirty

but I won't be crude, raunchy or dirty.

Yes I do love to rhyme,

And not just any old time!

I can do Romantic or Gory;

Just tell me, what's your story?

Do you need a Resume or a letter?

Trust me, no one can do them better!

You could even be in Timbuktu

and I'll just email it straight to you.

You won't have to pay a thing

until you hear the fat lady sing.

That means pay me when I'm done.

Are you ready? Now let's have fun!